Apimel phone T / P. 00385 (0)31 351-327 | FAX 00385 (0)31 350-196
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EU VAT number: 63619071818
Djelatnost: 10.89 Proizvodnja ostalih prehrambenih proizvoda, d. n. (NKD 2007)
Bank account IBAN: Raiffeisen bank HR9824840081107169098,
Bank account IBAN: Slatinska bank HR3324120091133001526,
Share capital: 20.000,00 (kuna) paid in full
Entered in the register of the Commercial Court in Osijek number: 030051231
Work time: Mon – Fri : 8:00 – 16:00
Board of directors: Hrvoje Gregačević, Lidija Gregačević
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